Acumatica ERP Consultant Blog

6 Ways Cloud ERP Can Free Your Finance Team from the Limitations of IT

Written by CAL Business Solutions | 5:00 PM on July 6, 2020

 As a finance professional, you know the potential that technology offers. You could deliver so much more value to the business if your current systems weren't holding you back. More and more companies are taking advantage of Cloud ERP to free them from their current IT limitations.

Cloud ERP gives businesses the ability to use technology as an asset instead of a distraction, allowing the finance team to add their full potential to the company. Notice a few ways Cloud ERP provides freedom for financial teams and how your company could benefit.

Access to Information

In this fast-paced business age, waiting for access to the information you need to make vital decisions can be disastrous. Modern cloud financial management solutions free you from this by putting data in your hands with point-and-click ease.

Functionality without Upgrade Pain

With cloud-based ERP, you get the cost efficiency and freedom from upgrades that allow you to support current business practices and improve productivity. This saves you from spending time and money on big investment hardware and costly updates.

IT Department's Freedom to Contribute

Cloud ERP gives your IT department the ability to make major contributions to the company. Rather than spending their time managing messy upgrades and fixing printers, they can perform much more meaningful tasks such as evaluating service models, implementing workflows, and finding new ways to make your business thrive.

Unmatched Security

Gone are the days of forgotten backups and mistakenly deleted databases. Cloud ERP provides specialized professionals who are dedicated to keeping your data safe. This allows you to focus on important business objectives while having peace of mind knowing your customers' data, as well as your own, is secure and protected.

Complete Business Insight

When you switch to Cloud ERP, you can combine data from across the organization to get a birds-eye view. This provides you with the ability to use predictive analytics to better understand your customers' behavior and as a result, improve marketing and generate more business.

Harness the Potential of IT

With cloud-based financial management systems, your IT team has more flexibility to put the latest technology to work achieving your business goals. This includes exploring new distribution channels, recommending applications to support production flow, and researching collaboration tools to support cross-functional innovation.

The freeing power of Cloud ERP is available to each and every business. What about you, will you take advantage of it? If you're curious about how to take the next step or simply would like to learn more, read the full white paper "How Cloud ERP Frees Your Finance Team from the Limitations of IT" at

If you want to talk about how Cloud ERP can make an impact on your business, CAL Business Solutions can help. Let's start the conversation. Contact us at 860-485-0910 x4 or

By CAL Business Solutions, Acumatica and Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner,