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User Interface Basics - Acumatica Cloud ERP Tips

User Interface Basics - Acumatica Cloud ERP Tips

Acumatica Cloud ERP Quick Tips - User Interface Basics

Join us for our weekly Quick Tip Tuesday short demonstrations. We want you to register if you haven’t already…we don’t want to hit your spam folder so be sure to add to your safe recipients email. If you are considering changing your business software like QuickBooks, Sage, etc. because you have outgrown it or you need more functionality, you should sign up and watch these weekly videos. When you’re ready we can show you a complete demonstration. You can share the videos with people on your teams or even your boss can see how easy Acumatica is to use for everyone in your company. 

Question: How easy is it to get up and running with Acumatica Cloud ERP?

Answer: Acumatica is VERY user friendly and is regarded a leader in ease of use since 2016. Sign up below to see these examples in a 1-minute video on how Acumatica's user interface is easy to use.

Sign up below and learn all this and more...

  • Intuitive windows and easy to use interface for any entry-level user
  • Lost?  It’s easy to find the Home button which can be customized with company logo and takes you back to your personal dashboard! 
  • There's much more to see in the video...subscribe and view video below!!

We're very excited to launch our new tips video and blog series for our Acumatica clients and prospective clients. As an Acumatica Cloud ERP Gold Certified partner, we stay sharp to deliver the latest best practices for our clients and partners. Our goal with this blog series is to provide prospective and current Acumatica Cloud ERP end-users with 1 to 3-minute videos to show some of our favorite Acumatica features. You'll quickly see how Acumatica can help your growing company. 

Save money. Save time. Get to know Acumatica’s ease of use and functionality.

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Our upcoming videos are as follows:

  • Week 1 User Interface: Basics
  • Week 2 User Interface: Search
  • Week 3 User Interface: Help
  • Week 4 Favorites
  • Week 5 User Interface: Drag & Drop
  • Week 6 Register to see what’s next!

We have 16 weeks scheduled so far so sign up now!

Did you know that Acumatica Cloud ERP is ranked the leader in ease of use over all the other ERP solution (enterprise resource planning).  Yes, it is affordable for the small and medium size businesses, too.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please consult with your certified Acumatica Cloud ERP consultant before making any significant changes to your Acumatica system. If you have questions or don’t work with an Acumatica consultant, contact us.

Top 5 reasons to choose Acumatica

  1. One complete ERP solution
  2. Fully managed ERP (cloud/SaaS edition)
  3. Cloud or on-premise deployment
  4. VERY user friendly! Leader in ease of use since 2016!
  5. Unlimited users – no per user license cost

Top 5 benefits of Acumatica

  1. Connect anywhere on any Internet device
  2. Eliminate spreadsheets and multiple applications – save money and time!
  3. Reduce IT headaches and costs
  4. Stop running out of user licenses
  5. Provide your staff with a modern ERP solution that provides an integrated database with real-time data to make smart decisions

The Clients First difference

Our Clients First team is passionate about implementing and supporting affordable ERP solutions that deliver ROI. Congratulations to our consultants who invested in so many hours of rigorous training and testing to help us better serve our customers. We have the expertise and the methodology to smoothly implement and support Acumatica. It's critical to invest our time to keep up with the latest technological advancements.

Industry expertise and experience

Clients First consultants have direct experience in the industries we support.  The Clients First Texas and Minnesota offices are known for vertical expertise in manufacturing, job shops maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) for aviation or heavy equipment organizations. We have customers in other industries too including make to order/engineering job shops, project manufacturing, field services and wholesale distribution.

We’re a Microsoft Gold ERP Partner, a Certified Cloud Service Provider (CSP) and an Acumatica Gold Partner.

Contact Us: Email:  Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas or Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota or call us at 800.331.8382. We're located in Dallas, Texas and Minneapolis, Minnesota and service companies worldwide.

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