ERP Consultant Blog

My Customer Wants Me to Be EDI Capable - What's THAT?

Written by Shandra Locken | Fri, Oct 04, 2013

Photo appears courtesy of DoBeRaGi. I get many calls each month from suppliers who have been told by their customer that they need to be EDI capable. And their first question is, "What is EDI capable?" And then, "Can you help?" The answer to the second question of course is, "Yes!" Simply stated, being EDI capable is the capability to send and receive electronic business documents in a specific format based on established standards. There are essentially two ways to accomplish EDI capability: outsource or buy on-premise software.

Companies who choose to outsource have about as many options as there are days of the year. Between Web EDI, managed EDI and email-to EDI...the choices are almost limitless. And the EDI providers who offer these services each add their own attractive features that make their solutions distinctive. Most of these solutions are pay as you go, either based on a monthly subscription or based on consumption. So depending on your priorities, the chances are good that you will find the perfect outsourced EDI solution that will fit your needs.  

Buying EDI software offers many benefits if the volume of EDI and your long term goals warrant such an investment. There are many things to consider when purchasing software and that's another blog article in and of itself. But briefly, EDI software consists of a data transformation tool and an EDI communications vehicle. Many EDI software packages have the capability of handling multiple data formats which is important in today's varied business environment. With the amount of data companies are now collecting, integration needs will become more complex in the coming years. In addition to these tools, you will also likely need VAN service and/or AS2 capability for communicating your data.  

So when the inevitable question, "What is EDI capable?" comes along, starting with this information will get you moving. Just remember that being EDI compliant is not the end game. It's an evolving business function and like everything else, must be periodically evaluated and updated. Your technology tools are not just a necessary evil. Above all, they should be helping you meet your business goals. If not, you are wasting an incredible opportunity.

Want a more in-depth look at EDI basics? Download our eBook, EDI Implementation Made Simple. GraceBlood LLC specializes in EDI implementation and data integration solutions. For more information, please contact Shandra Locken, at