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ERP Consultant Blogging: 7 Tips on HOW to Use Keywords: Part V

ERP Consultant Blogging: 7 Tips on HOW to Use Keywords: Part V

ERP Consultant blog HowAs an ERP consultant, you've probably heard all about the importance of blogging over the years. If you still wonder WHY you should blog, we have a blog or two about that in our blog series dedicated to addressing the ERP consultant and the importance of effective blogging.  Here's the list of previous articles on the subject:

In this blog, we will share 7 tips that we try to use when we blog every day on our site. We hope this is useful if you still wonder about HOW to blog to the ERP software market for the most impactful results. This blog actually got too long so you will see more tips tomorrow...stay tuned.

A Few Questions to Ask Before We Start on the HOWs of Blogging

  • First, it's always best to start with developing a FOCUS for your blog campaign.
  • What is the goal of your blogging activity? 
  • What is your keyword strategy? 
  • What type of customer do you want to attract?

ERP Consultant 7 Tips on HOW to Blog Effectively

  1. Keyword Focus - Say What? Blogs have the best impact when tied to a keyword focus. Several blogs should be written with the same keyword focus. Keywords should be less competitive for SEO ranking and have relatively high monthly search results. Long-tailed keywords are preferred since short keywords are harder to get ranking in search engines. FOR EXAMPLE: “ERP software” would be difficult to rank for while “ERP software implementation” is easier to get ranking.
  2. Where to Include Keyword?  Keywords should be used in Title, H2, image saved as keyword, 1st or 2nd sentence and throughout the blog with 1-2 keywords linked to another blog with the keyword and/or a URL on your site with keyword in the URL. Don’t overstuff your blog with the keyword or use it in a way that doesn’t make sense to the reader. Sprinkle your keyword 5-8 times throughout the blog where appropriate. Put your keyword in BOLD format to stand out in search engines. Add keyword to your TAGS and META DESCRIPTION (70 characters or less).
  3. Keywords to Attract Prospects/Customers:  Associate your keyword focus with the kind of prospect/client you want to attract. You can write about general ERP information but it may be too broad for the audience you want to attract. Try focusing on a narrow or specific ERP product focused subject.
  4. Images and Keywords:  When you save your image to a file befire inserting it to your blog, save it as your keyword. Also link it to one of your websites that also have that keyword focus, whenever possible.
  5. The Power of Long Tailed Keywords:  Use a long tailed keyword over a short keyword to rank higher in SEO for a specific target audience. For example, “Sage 100 ERP” is a short keyword and difficult to attain. A long tailed keyword like “Sage 100 ERP implementation” or Sage 100 ERP software consultant” would be easier to rank for with SEO.  
  6. Blog Titles:  Blog title should be 70 characters or less. The words after 70 characters in titles will not show up in search results. Try to use keyword in beginning of title rather than toward the end. 
  7. Meta Description and Keywords - Your Meta Description should be short and enticing.  Try for less than 150 characters with your keyword displayed first.

At ERPVAR, we have a goal to blog every day. Most of our blogs come from ERP consultants who are experts like you. Some ERP consultants are fortunate enough to have a marketing person to do most of the heaving blog lifting. However, many still do not and find the time to blog. We are happy to discuss with you WHY blogging might make sense for you in further detail. Please feel free to contact us online or give us a call:  888-253-6705.

About ERPVAR.com

Established in 2012 and headquartered in Orange County, CA, ERP VAR represents the collective expertise of Sage 50 (formerly Peachtree), Sage 100 ERP (formerly MAS90 and MAS 200), Sage 500 ERP (formerly MAS 500), Sage ERP X3, Epicor, Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft Dynamics SL, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, NetSuite, Intacct, Infor, Acumatica and QuickBooks Enterprise third party developers combined with the expertise of local implementation ERP consultants. These local ERP consultants provide end users with a thorough needs analysis to determine which ERP software functionality is required to address their unique needs. If a business process assessment is required, the local channel partner is enlisted to provide a comprehensive examination with end user company departments to insure the correct ERP software is selected implemented and the staff is properly trained.

For more information, please visit www.erpvar.com or call 888-253-6705 or info@erpvar.com

If you are an ERP consultant, ERP VAR, ERP Service Provider, ERP Solution Provider, and/or ERP reseller (whatever the terminology you identify wth most), please CONTACT US to learn more about the benfits of participating with www.ERPVAR.com

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by Kathy Graham at ERPVAR


Photo courtesy of www.freedigitalphotos.com

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