ERP Consultant Blog

What is the UCC GS1-128 Carton Label?

Written by Shandra Locken | Tue, Mar 04, 2014

In many, if not most, supply chain EDI relationships, one of the required documents is the Advance Ship Notice. The EDI 856 Advance Ship Notice is what is sent in response to the EDI 850 Purchase Order. If YOUR EDI relationship includes the 856, there is a good chance that you are also using the UCC-128 label. UCC-128 labels, or now known as the GS1-128 label, allow your customer to scan the label's bar code and find out what the contents of the carton are before opening it.

Your EDI solution will determine how you will create and print the UCC-128 label. If you have your own EDI software, in most cases you will have to purchase bar code software. The investment for bar code software runs the gamut from very inexpensive to very expensive, depending on what sort of functionality you need. The software will allow you to import files that will contain the information used for the label. However, if you use a web-based EDI solution, most will include the capability to generate UCC-128 labels, usually as a PDF. You will still need a printer and label paper to print them though.  

The use of UCC-128 labels has greatly streamlined the supply chain process. Where busy receiving docks used to be rampant with chaos, they are now ran like well-oiled machines. Cartons are scanned and sent off to their appropriate destinations without even lifting a box cutter. This is just another good example of how EDI and the accompanying technologies have improved business processes. Ask your customer about UCC/GS1-128 labels so that you can ensure that you're taking advantage of all the benefits that EDI has to offer.

GraceBlood LLC specializes in EDI implementation and data integration solutions.  For more information, please contact Shandra Locken, at