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Two Terrible Mistakes Companies Are Making During ERP Selection

Two Terrible Mistakes Companies Are Making During ERP Selection

ERP SelectionThere are plenty of steps involved in choosing the right ERP vendor and solution, and a long list of things that MUST be done during the ERP selection processes before companies can even begin to think about implementation. We all know this on the surface, but you’d be amazed at some of the critical steps companies are willing to skip to get their system up and running faster. For example…

  • 2013 1/3 of ERP buyers did not even demo a product before buying it! Yep, that is horrific mistake number one according to study by Capterra. 
  • 22% of companies surveyed reported they just bought the first system they looked at!

Those two trends go against the most basic best practices for ERP selection- take your time, cover all of your bases, and do not rush it! System demos and comparisons are arguably the most important step in the process. The companies who are making the above mistakes may have sped up the process, but that’s the only thing they did. These shortcuts can and likely will lead to serious regrets down the road. Comparing systems and taking part in demos is crucial to selecting, purchasing, and implementing an ERP system that will best serve a company. By not comparing all of their options, these companies risk selecting a system that does not fit their needs and dumping a significant amount of money and time on a project they will need to start all over again in the not so distant future.

By making the most out of an ERP demo and carefully comparing systems, companies will recognize the cost savings, increased productivity, and many other benefits associated with a successful ERP implementation; rushing through it will do just the opposite.
Statistics show that more than 60% of ERP implementations fail to meet expectations. What constitutes failure? Not realizing the anticipated ROI, extending the implementation schedule far beyond planned, going over budget, or stopping production just to name a few. Learn how to make the most out of your ERP selection and ERP implementation in this white paper, “The 8 Deadly Sins of ERP Implementation”. Download this free resource here. 

About e2b teknologies

e2b teknologies ( is a Microsoft Managed Partner providing cloud-based business software applications and business services to progressive businesses worldwide. The company is the publisher of Anytime Supply Chain enterprise-class supply chain management software, Anytime Collect credit and collections management software, Anytime Commerce B2B ecommerce platform, and related Anytime brand products. e2b teknologies also develops custom cloud-based business applications and resells leading ERP accounting software, CRM, and other enterprise business software applications.

Download our 8 Deadly Sins whitepaper here.

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