ERP Consultant Blog

Avoiding Problems when Installing EDI Software

Written by Shandra Locken | Fri, Sep 05, 2014

This week's blog was written by Kristen Kearns, Senior Integration Specialist for GraceBlood LLC. Photo appears courtesy of Joakim Jardenberg. Like anything else, EDI software installation requires some pre-planning. A few examples come to mind... You have to put a crib together, there are instructions. You have to build a new desk for your office, instructions. You have to make a dessert, more instructions! You wouldn’t try to make that cherry clafoutis without reading the recipe, gathering the ingredients, and setting the oven timer, would you?

Now you have to install EDI software. Guess what? Instructions! Planning ahead! This brings us to the main points of this article. As EDI consultants, we usually run into 2 issues – 1. We are not granted the proper permissions with the sign on we are given, and 2. We’re told the system is loaded with everything that is required to run the EDI software, but it isn’t. We get a lot of "so and so was supposed to do that," but it didn't happen.      

Like any other software, there will be system prerequisites. If you’re not the Network Administrator, you need to make sure that person reviews the instructions so that they give you the authority and the resources to be able to do the EDI software installation. The user profile used to install the software usually needs high (or all) authorities. I like to think of the Network Administrator as the Great and Powerful Oz. Ever try to download iTunes on a corporate computer? Then you know exactly what I'm talking about. I have a mental picture of all of you nodding your heads as I type.  

Next, can the system handle the new software? You should review the Hardware and Software system requirements section BEFORE trying to install ANY software. This should actually be understood and checked before the sale is even made but sometimes it is overlooked. Depending on what server you’re installing this EDI software on, there are usually different requirements. You don't want to realize that you need to upgrade to Windows 7 on the day you try to install.

Help us help you. Please get your EDI consultants the proper authority and be sure to read, as well as understand the system requirements. We'll all be happier. Now if we could just get that network administrator to let us download iTunes...

GraceBlood LLC specializes in EDI implementation and data integration solutions.  For more information, please contact Shandra Locken, at