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SBT Accounting Software Support: Struggle with Screen Navigation?

SBT Accounting Software Support: Struggle with Screen Navigation?

Question:  Mike, we currently own Sage Pro ERP (formerly known as ACCPAC Pro Series, SBT Pro Series or SBT Accounting Software).  Is there a better way to find the last cost of a purchased item?  Do we really have to go through so many multiple screens to find it?  Is there any way around this issue?

Answer:  First of all, it is important to understand a little history about Sage Pro ERP. Since ACCPAC purchased SBT Corporation in 2000 and then Sage purchased ACCPAC in 2004, Sage has renamed the ACCPAC Pro Series to "Sage Pro ERP".  Sage announced at last months annual Sage Summit partner conference that Sage Pro ERP may be ripe for end-of-life.  We recommend considering Sage 100 ERP as an option to replace Sage Pro ERP.  To answer your question, while in Sage 100 ERP Sales Order>Main>Sales Order Entry>Tab 3 lines, and you have entered an item for a customer, you click on the second icon filter above the line and it will pull up customer last purchase history list, date, quantity, price. All in one click from Sage 100 ERP Sales Order Entry screen.  See below for screenshot:

Sage 100 ERP Last price look up resized 600

Guest blog author:  Mike Renner, Owner Computer Accounting Services a  Sage 100 ERP support provider based in Indio, CA.