The SugarCRM and QuickBooks Integration Puts the Pieces Together!
SugarCRM and QuickBooks Integration
Question: David, is there an official SugarCRM QuickBooks integration? Since QuickBooks is the market leading entry level accounting software package and SugarCRM is the fastest growing CRM solution I believe that the QuickBooks SugarCRM integration would seem to be very important to the SugarCRM community. Our company is currently in the process of selecting a CRM solution and SugarCRM is at the top of our list. As a stand alone product SugarCRM is fantastic and will meet most, if not all, of our CRM needs. However, integration with QuickBooks is essential and it appears that the current integration packages are weak. David I am suggesting a serious and robust integration that reaches deep into both packages - SugarCRM and QuickBooks as this is a requirement for many companies.
Answer: There is no official integration built by the two market leading software developers SugarCRM and Intuit. There are many third party QuickBooks SugarCRM integrations available. However, there is only one SugarCRM QuickBooks integration that reaches deep into both SugarCRM and QuickBooks. This SugarCRM QuickBooks integration is developed by Faye Business Systems Group.
The Faye Business Systems Group QuickBooks SugarCRM integration synchronizes customers, invoice history, inventory items, quotes, and sales orders. It's completely automated and runs on a scheduler. The SugarCRM QuickBooks integration allows entering of sales orders in SugarCRM and syncing the orders into QuickBooks in real-time, orders can be entered on laptops, ipads, and other mobile devices by salespeople on the road. Orders can be entered right away through SugarCRM, and they will then automatically appear in QuickBooks. The QuickBooks SugarCRM integration eliminates the need to wait for remote access to QuickBooks or emailing orders into the office.
This QuickBooks SugarCRM integration eliminates redundant data entry because the sales orders created in SugarCRM transfer into QuickBooks eliminating duplication of data entry and increasing the accuracy of orders in QuickBooks. Inventory changes and customer name and address changes in one system can be instantly updated in the other.
The QuickBooks SugarCRM integration eliminates the need for buying additional QuickBooks user licenses because the ERP data is in SugarCRM. Sales reps can see on hand inventory quantities, open sales orders, invoice history, customer credit information, and everything they used to have to either lookup directly in QuickBooks or call someone to lookup for them. Companies using the SugarCRM QuickBooks integration can potentially downgrade QuickBooks user licenses, because these “inquiry users” no longer will need access to QuickBooks.
According to user comments on SugarCRM forum posts some of the other SugarCRM QuickBooks integrations available don't sync the following where the Faye Business Systems Group SugarCRM QuickBooks integration does:
Please contact us to learn more about the SugarCRM QuickBooks intgration.
Entrepreneur with broad experience in building businesses and helping businesses grow primarily through the effective use of information technology. CEO of Faye Business Systems Group, a software company specializing in implementation, development, and support relating to cloud based Accounting, ERP, and CRM Software with extensive expertise in Sage MAS 90 and MAS 200, SugarCRM, Intacct, and the development of custom software.
Development of creative and innovative IT and software solutions to address real business issues, strategic planning, development of IT strategies, helping organizations in the effective use of Accounting, ERP, and CRM software, expert in implementation and optimization of Sage MAS90 and MAS200 software, SugarCRM, and others.
SugarCRM and QuickBooks Integration
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