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How to Select ERP Software: Don't Get Tricked!

How to Select ERP Software: Don't Get Tricked!

Select_ERP_Software5 Tips to Selecting ERP Software

After realizing we needed to explore a more robust ERP software platform, we were romanced by several vendors looking to acquire our business. We needed to get our team together and review the demonstrations of the software. Once the smoke has cleared from a dazzling software demonstration and as the presenters exit the room taking the last of the smoke with them, we all exclaim, "Wow! That was Amazing!" 

Software vendors and their experienced demonstrators understand how to dazzle their audience.  They want you to buy their product, so of course they have perfected the illusion that their software is the answer to all your problems.

The following are some great tips on how to ensure you’re choosing the  correct software and surely select the appropriate product that satisfies your current needs and allows for future growth.

  1. Definitely find out about a vendor's reputation, implementations, and capability to offer referrals and assets that you need.  It's a bit like mining into an online dating profile.  Make sure you ask for references!
  2. Put all your potential candidates in the same scenario.  Review the software in the same situation, using your statistics and data.
  3. Take the software for a “test drive”.  Collect your team and kick the tires, rev the engine and make sure it’s a good model and fit for what you are trying to accomplish.  See if the software really has the horsepower that you need to achieve not only your current goals but future goals as well.
  4. Avoid software partiality and use a unique recording system.  Have each of your team members score the software in accordance with how it handles for your needs.  Using a team offense will uncover any flaws or faults, therefore producing stronger results.
  5. When considering the costs and financial outlay, make sure you fully comprehend what each proposal and quotation includes.  Are we talking data dump and run, or is there a team of trainers waiting to come in and guide you through the entire process?  And remember about all the upgrades.  You may be tempted to take short cut and avoid rewriting all the reports that were so remarkable at the initial implementation. 

Click here for a comprehensive guide on evaluating and selecting ERP software

Contact us to learn more – 586.464.4400 or email - info@godlan.com or visit www.godlan.com.

Godlan is a leading professional manufacturing services company that has been implementing integrated technology solutions since 1984. Godlan's Manufacturing ERP software implementations serve hundreds of customers on the east coast with heavy concentration across the southeast and Great Lakes region. As an Infor Gold Channel Partner, Godlan represents Infor's extended enterprise solutions. These solutions are offered in latest technology platforms and support the implementation of world-class processes and practices throughout a manufacturing organization. Godlan has been an Infor Channel Partner for more than 20 years and was named as the Infor North America SyteLine ERP Partner of the Year for 2011 and Infor Regional Partner of the Year 2013.


Another version of this blog was posted by Bobby Rudder on Godlan's Blog on August 12, 2013  ERP Software Demonstration Magic Show

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