Microsoft Dynamics GP
San Diego, CA

Microsoft Dynamics GP, San Diego, CA

Why Work with SBS Group?

ERP Software consultants

SBS Group provides business management solutions to help growing companies meet their operational, financial, regulatory, and technical challenges.  Through a proven process of Discovery, Analysis, Design and Delivery, we leverage ERP, CRM, Business Intelligence, and Office Productivity technology to build, deploy, and support innovative systems in your data center or in the Cloud.

Why Choose Microsoft Dynamics GP?

Microsoft Dynamics GP delivers long-term value with a solution that is easy to adapt, extend and connect with other line-of-business applications that allow you to have visibility into how your business is performing. By using Microsoft Dynamics GP, define who on your team can make critical business decisions and respond with built-in workflow notifications and alerts, automated approval routings, and document attachment.

To learn how SBS Group and Microsoft Dynamics GP can help you enhance your business, contact us today for a free assessment:

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